HOT LUNCH VOLUNTEERS: We ask that you commit to do a hot lunch once a month. Typically it is the same lunch each month that you would be preparing.
The following is a list of conditions we need you to follow in order to volunteer in the kitchen:
1. Please follow your schedule, as we require your assistance to effectively serve the children. If unable to come in please call or text as soon as possible. Remember for us to have a safe, easy, fun, and successful food service program we need you to be in the kitchen when scheduled.
2. Arrive at the kitchen @ 9:15am and plan to stay until the kitchen is cleaned and prepared for the following day.
3. Follow kitchen manager's direction on food safety, plus follow Servsafe guides which are placed all over kitchen.
4. You may wear a baseball cap or hair net. Hair nets are provided in the kitchen.
5. Men are to wear nice jeans or pants, a nice t-shirt, and comfortable closed-toe shoes.
6. Women are to allowed to wear loose fitting pants or jeans (no leggings) and nice top and comfortable closed-toe shoes.
LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS: We ask that you commit to do library once a week if possible. If you can only do once a month, we can make that work as well. Library is usually 3 days each week for grades 1st-6th. Hours will vary depending on how many classes have library in a day. It typically is no more than 1 1/2 hours.
FUNDRAISERS & BAKING is on a needed basis. Volunteers will be called or emailed when these times arise.
TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK is only once a year in the spring. If you would like to be put on a list to help with this, you will be contacted by one of our lead moms when the time comes.